Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Why do Geologist Love Beer?
Thanks to Pete and Stephanie for the link!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Season's Greetings
Check out this video of an ice skating sauropod via the Denver Museum of Nature and Science!

Thanks to Jerry Harris for the heads up!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Last minute Christmas gift?

I hope everyone has a very wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Clash of the Dinosaurs: Another dino disaster strikes a tv near you
But the most horrendous fault (currently) is the way fellow paleoblogger Matt Wedel's interview regarding the thought that sacral enlargements are "second brains." He has well documented this in post Here and Here which I strongly encourage you to read. Matt's original answer to this question was cut down to:
"One of the curious things about Sauropods is that they did have a swelling in the spinal cord, in the neighborhood of their pelvis. This was sort of like a second brain to help control the back half of the body."
Yaaaaaaaaaaaa..... that is not what he originally said. It was cut down the the above statement, which is a far cry from his original statement of [from here]:
"Ok one of the curious things about saurapods is that they did have a swelling in the spinal chord in the neighbourhood of their pelvis. And for a while it was thought that may be this was sort of like a second brain to help control the back half of the body. Erm there are a couple of misconceptions there. One is that most animals control large part of their body with their spinal chord. If you’re going through day to day operations like just walking down the street and your minds on something else your brain isn’t even involved in very much controlling your body. A lot of that is a reflex arc that’s controlled by your spinal chord.
[From Matt] Quick aside: the technical term I was groping for here is not “reflex arc” but “central pattern generator”.
So its not just dinosaurs that are controlling their body with their spinal chord its all animals. Now the other thing about this swelling at the base of the tail is we find the same thing in birds and its called the glycogen body. It’s a big swelling in the spinal chord that has glycogen which is this very energy rich compound that animals use to store energy. Problem is we don’t even know what birds are doing with their glycogen bodies. Er the function is mysterious – we don’t know if the glycogen is supporting their nervous system – if its there to be mobilised help dry [should be 'drive' -ed.] their hind limbs or the back half of their body and until we find out what birds are doing with theirs we have very little hope of knowing what dinosaurs were doing with their glycogen bodies."
So basically they took his words, and completely misquote him and then do not apologize in follow up communication.
This is bullshit. These producers who are making these so-called documentaries need to do their job and convey truth and facts, not arm waving and pretty looking assumptions. These documentaries should be based on science, not pretty graphics and brief moments of facts presented. So, how can you help Matt in his quest to clear his name? He ask the following:
"You, reading this post: you are the audience. If you disagree with the idea that Dangerous Ltd has to subvert the truth to hold your attention, or if you’d like to support my request that they fix the show by removing the dishonestly edited portion, please contact them here. I shouldn’t have to say it, but this is the net, so: if you do contact them about this, please be brief, stick to the facts, and don’t be abusive, threatening or profane.
I’ve already e-mailed all of the top officers of Dangerous Ltd and this non-apology ... is the closest to an official response that I’ve gotten or expect to get. It might also be worthwhile to contact Zodiak Entertainment, the parent company of Dangerous Ltd, and make sure that they are aware of how their subsidiary is representing them. You may do so here; the previous plea for brevity and moderation applies.
Finally, outfits like Dangerous Ltd will only be able to pull this kind of crap for as long as Discovery Communications lets them get away with it. The most relevant thing I’ve been able to find for them is the Viewer Relations contact page for, which is here. Please let them know how you feel–briefly and politely, as always."
[update: while writing this post Matt posted the following - "Great news! I just got off the phone with someone at the Discovery Channel. He asked not to be named, but he has responsibility for Clash of the Dinosaurs and the authority to do what he promised, which is to fix the “second brain” segment exactly as I asked in the previous post! He said that the program would not be broadcast again until that segment was fixed, and that the fixed version would be in the DVD/Blu-ray release." Read his entire post here.]
Feel free to read other views on the subject:
The Medium & The Message (Prerogative of Harlots)
CotD: The Saga Continues (DinoGoss)
Dangerous Ltd. is Either Very Stupid or Dishonest, or Both (When Pigs Fly Returns)
I Swear I Didn't Say That! Having someone else put your foot in your mouth for you (Chinleana)
The media, again. This time distorting dinosaurs up front. (David Hone's Archosaur Musings)
A scientist is QUOTE MINED on a Discovery dinosaur documentary (Tetrapod Zoology)
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Save The UBC Dinosaur Track Quarry, West Paterson, NJ
Large museums and universities have done research projects and collected at the quarry to add to their collections and preserve these fossils. Ironically most of the fossils from this quarry are in private hands and not in a museum for folks to enjoy. The quarry was once an active quarry for many years but now has been sold to a developer to create high end condos that overlook NYC.
The remaining fossils in the quarry will be forever lost if the developers are allowed to demolish the remaining section of the quarry to complete their development. No more fossils from this period will ever be able to be collected again as this is the only place in NJ that has fossils from this time period. Once this section is gone there will be no more science or fossils to be gained. There is one section of the quarry left next to Rifle Camp Park that is of scientific significance that is threatened to be lost forever due to the development of these condos.
Some of the best preserved dinosaur and reptile footprints have been found in this quarry which do not compare to any other locality from New Jersey. Dinosaur tracks and fossil trace fossils have been a very unique, rare, and are an important piece of our fossil history and deserves to be protected. The state of New Jersey has done very little to protect fossil localities compared to other states in the USA and that is why we need your help. Trace fossils are a very important part of the state of New Jersey's history just like Hadrosaurus foulki and deserve to be protected, preserved and enjoyed by future generations. Let's not make this just a memory like other fossil sites in Northern NJ.
Let's make it a preserved site forever. Time is running out and only a few months left till it is gone forever. Thanks."
Online petition - Save The UBC Dinosaur Track Quarry, West Paterson, NJ
Thanks to Rissa for the heads up on this!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Team Dromaeosauridae

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Friday, November 13, 2009
Matt Bonnan discusses Aardonyx
I also found this short video with Dr. Adam Yates (of the blog Dracovenator), who is the first author on the paper*, discussing Aardonyx.
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Guest Post: Michigan State University to close Geological Sciences Department
On November 11, the Provost acted on the Dean's recommendation to close the Department of Geological Sciences by forwarding his recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board sent it to academic governance, which is mainly procedural. The Board, sometime in the future, perhaps as early as Dec. 11, will vote on the closing.
After consulting with alumni and others a plan was presented to the Dean in which the alumni would endow two chairs, and that with potential retirements and other opportunities, the Department could be revitalized into a successful program. This proposal was roundly rejected. The Dean countered by stating that the whole department would have to run on endowments of no less that 50 million dollars.
Another factor is that the University has a long-term history in not investing in Geology, so there is no initial or continuing investment in laboratories or equipment. This, of course, has a negative effect on the recruitment of faculty who can get grants. This is in striking contrast to the University's investments in facilities for Chemistry, Physics and Biological Sciences to which they are regularly compared. The school just spent $40 million remodeling the Chemistry building, however has done little for Geology's facilities in the past. This long-term disinvestment has hurt the department's abilities to recruit and keep faculty and obtain large grants.
The decision to close Geological Sciences at MSU reflects a long-term disinterest, at times hostile, attitude towards the geosciences by the administration. The school is punishing the department for decisions the admin itself put into motion long ago. The inability to cite specific reasons for the closure as well as the claim that only $50 million could save the department shows where the priorities of the administration lay. Sadly, this story has been seen before and will likely occur again.
Christopher R. Noto, Ph.D
The author is a Visiting Professor in the Biomedical Sciences Department at Grand Valley State University. The views expressed here are his alone and do not represent those of his employer. He can be reached at Please feel free to use these points when contacting MSU administration and help spread the word.
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Rock star of the week: Vanessa Bateman

© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster; picture from the Highway Geology Symposium
Guest Post: Why it is wrong for Michigan State University to close Geological Sciences
Around the nation, many geoscience departments have been closed or threatened with closure. Furthermore, there exists a chronic shortage of trained geoscientists. This shortfall goes back over 20 years, following the collapse of oil and gas prices in the early 1980’s. But now, more than ever before, do we need the expertise of highly-trained professional geoscientists to help tackle wide-ranging global problems from climate change to the development of alternative energy resources.

In light of this, one can imagine my shock when I was told that the administration of Michigan State University (MSU) is proposing to close the Department of Geological Sciences. All graduate and undergraduate programs in Earth Science, Environmental Geosciences, Geological Sciences, and Geophysics will be discontinued, effectively erasing the geosciences curricula from MSU. Currently the process has yet to be passed on to academic governance (Step 2b; for steps in the process see this, p. 7), which may happen as early as Dec. 11th. A final decision is not likely to be reached by the Board of Trustees until mid-spring, although there is no set timeline for the process. It is worth noting that the department was caught completely unawares by this decision. No preludes or evidence of disapproval had been made by the administration before this point.
The immediate impact of closing the department would affect the lives of 12 faculty, 50 graduate students, and many more undergraduates. The process of dismantling the department will take at least a few years to compete. Students would have up to three years to finish their degrees, but no new students will be accepted. There is no word on what will be done with non-tenured faculty, perhaps dismissed, and tenured faculty will be shuffled into other departments. Whether they would decide to stay after this time is an open question. Since the various programs administered by Geological Sciences will be discontinued, what classes would be available for the faculty to teach?
One wonders how MSU could justify purging a science considered a key element of its core mission as a premier public land-grant university in the United States. The following vague reasons have been given (based on this [p. 5] and this), each of which will be addressed below:
1. Other geoscience programs are available in Michigan--Undergrads usually do not choose a major until they are enrolled at an institution. Michigan state education standards lead to little exposure to the earth sciences, meaning fewer students entering college are interested in geosciences. It is unrealistic to expect students to choose a geology program before going to college. Instead of transferring, they simply won’t decide to major in it. This will only further decrease the number of students entering the field. Furthermore, there exist only 3 other PhD-granting programs in Michigan and a small number of Masters programs and those specializing in K-12 earth science education, leaving fewer options for students in the state. As a public land-grant school, MSU is obligated to offer classes in geological sciences as part of its curriculum.
2. Low student demand--This is one of the worst measurements of department performance, because students will go where they think there are jobs (think doctors). This attitude turns a major research university into little more than a vocational school catering to currently popular professions, not providing the liberal education it promises. In fact research by AGI shows that there will be a severe shortage of trained geoscientists in the next 10-20 years, meaning job opportunities and demand will go up, which should lead to an increase in student demand. In the future MSU could therefore lose students over time as they choose schools that still maintain geoscience programs.
3. Lack of research productivity, stature, and teaching--Geology at MSU is both nationally and internationally known for excellence in research. Faculty continue to publish high-impact articles across the spectrum of the discipline. Much of this research takes part through collaborations with colleagues in other departments and institutions. The pace of geoscience research does not match other sciences, taking years in some cases to collect necessary data, thus making it a poor measure of performance. This should not decrease the importance of the research nor diminish the stature of the faculty. Two faculty were recently elected fellows of the Geological Society of America, a sign of their long and distinguished contributions to the field. Many faculty have won both campus and external teaching awards.
4. Low extramural grant support--The faculty of Geology regularly obtain external funding, a total of 44 grants since 2004, from such prestigious places as NSF, NOAA, NASA, the National Geographic Society, and the U.S. Department of Energy. Students are regularly awarded grants and awards as well. The move to close Geology will likely cost MSU future grant revenues through loss of prestige and inability to capitalize on emerging funding opportunities.
5. Outreach--Members of Geology help organize and participate in Darwin Day festivities each year. This is an event that I have personally participated in and can attest to its impact on science outreach for the community. I have observed both faculty and students enthusiastically interacting with hundreds of children, students, and adults, raising their awareness of science and its importance to their life. Members of the department also participate in a summer Fossil Camp that reaches many young children, educating them about earth sciences. Will these programs survive at MSU in the absence of Geology?
6. Cost savings--Faculty pay tends to make up the bulk of many departmental budgets. The number of full-time faculty in Geology is relatively small. Since a large proportion of the faculty are tenured they will be moved to other departments and continue to draw a salary (assuming they all decide to stay). Even if all these faculty lines were eliminated the cost savings would be peanuts to the university’s budget. Therefore, this move will not save much money, despite the claim that drastic measures need to be taken in the short-term to reduce operating costs without raising tuition.
The attitude that Geological Sciences needs to close appears strong among administrators, so it seems unlikely that even in a best-case scenario the department will survive unscathed. As such, those of us concerned about the future of the department should urge the MSU administration to explore less extreme alternatives which do not completely strip geosciences from the school. One alternative could be to merge the department with an overlapping discipline, such as Geography, to form a new, composite department. This is already being proposed for other departments at MSU, why not Geology? This would reduce administrative costs, and if coupled with a hiring freeze, perhaps save as much if the department was simply closed. Obviously there is no simple answer, but the department deserves a chance to reorganize and reimagine itself to come in line with the university’s needs before the final decision is made to close it.
In the end, the actions of MSU administration appear to represent a cynical decision at odds with its own educational and research missions. There is no argument that financial problems at MSU and in the state are at an all-time high, however moving to close Geological Sciences as an answer to this problem would be like cutting off a good leg because of a bad toe. It’s only going to slow you down in the future, even if it felt right at the time. This move could cripple the capacity for Michigan State University to remain at the forefront of emerging sciences and in tackling large, interdisciplinary problems such as climate change and renewable energy. But there is still time: if we act now, we may be able to prevent this travesty.
As a final note, if this decision goes through, let this serve as a warning to all geoscience programs in US schools: MSU is one of the largest schools in the nation and if they think they can do without a geology program, other schools may follow suit. A dangerous precedent is being set, which could have devastating consequences to American science in the long-term. As geoscientists we must fight to increase our profile both within and outside of our universities and build political ties to prevent such cynical and dismissive attitudes towards the importance of our science in both education and to society.
Want to get involved? Please pass along word to people you know, especially those in high-profile and influential positions. An online petition has been set up here and there is a Facebook group with more information here (see the discussion board), including contact information for university administrators. Writing letters to the dean, provost, president and board of trustees are all encouraged.
Christopher R. Noto, Ph.D
The author is a Visiting Professor in the Biomedical Sciences Department at Grand Valley State University. The views expressed here are his alone and do not represent those of his employer. He can be reached at Please feel free to use these points when contacting MSU administration and help spread the word.
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Dark Matter

© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster, photo from
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pachycephalosaurus-Stygimoloch-Dracorex debate now in print (sort of)

Citation: Horner JR, Goodwin MB (2009) Extreme Cranial Ontogeny in the Upper Cretaceous Dinosaur Pachycephalosaurus. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7626. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007626 (link)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Hot off the truck!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Geoblogosphere Survey needs your help!!
I am delurking for a moment to put our a quick reminder - if you have not had a chance to participate in the Geoblogosphere Survey 2009 please take a quick moment to do so. Lutz, Robert, and Callan would really appreciate it, I am sure. The survey will be closing on November 1.
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Monday, October 5, 2009
All Dinosaurs Go to Heaven

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Only 88 days left
There is quite a bit to be done! John and I have carved up the outline for our paper, each taking sections to write and parts that we will write together. John currently is working on two other writing projects, but hopefully we will be able to get this one done. Keep your fingers crossed for us and I will post updates here as we progress.
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Monday, September 28, 2009
Primordial Soup With Julia Child
Thanks to Talia for the heads up!
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Who is up for a good challenge?
- Sign up to participate over at the Open Source Paleontologist
- Get that paper finished by January 1, 2010.
Two Assistant Professor Geology jobs
Assistant Professor - structural geology and tectonics
The Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville invites applications for a 9-month appointment as a tenure-track assistant professor with an anticipated start date of August 2010. We are seeking an outstanding individual with expertise in broad areas of structural geology and tectonics.
Monday, September 14, 2009
No Creation in the US?

- ", an influential site which reviews films from a Christian perspective, described Darwin as the father of eugenics and denounced him as "a racist, a bigot and an 1800s naturalist whose legacy is mass murder". His "half-baked theory" directly influenced Adolf Hitler and led to "atrocities, crimes against humanity, cloning and genetic engineering", the site stated." [link]
- "Early reviews have raved about the film. The Hollywood Reporter said: "It would be a great shame if those with religious convictions spurned the film out of hand as they will find it even-handed and wise." [link]
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster, poster © BBC Films and the UK Film Council
Saturday, August 22, 2009
How long would it take for a Tryannosaurus rex to digest your body?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Job Posting
POSITION: Paleontologist (Accredited)
LOCATION: Fort Yates, ND
SALARY: Negotiable
OPENING DATE: September 2009
The incumbent will be responsible for the management and development of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s paleontology resources, coordinating and leading field excavations, and teaching applicable geology and paleontology courses.
The Paleontologist will work under the direct supervision of the Select Committee on Paleontology.
1. Supervise paleontology consultants, contractors, employees and volunteers.
2. Create goals and objectives for the Paleontology Department.
3. Develop Tribe’s paleontological resources.
4. Direct and organize field excavations on the Reservation.
5. Identify and catalog the Tribe’s paleontology collections.
6. Write and submit appropriate grants for the enhancement and sustainability of the Paleontology Department.
7. Locate, evaluate, and protect paleontological resources within the boundaries of the Reservation.
8. Facilitate the appropriate scientific, educational and development uses of the Tribe’s paleontological resources.
9. Ensure that proposes land uses do not inadvertently damage or destroy important paleontological resources.
10. Establish relationships with tribal colleges, universities, schools, national and international paleontology programs to foster public awareness and appreciation of Tribal resources and write MOUs/MOAs, when needed.
11. Establish rules and regulations regarding collection of permits, research collection, loans of specimens, publications, field notes, and the annual field camp.
12. Report monthly to the Judicial Committee.
13. Develop goals and objectives for a tribal museum.
14. Research appropriate grants for the establishment of a museum.
15. Prepare and catalog fossil specimens found on the Reservation.
16. Create and maintain a secure digital database along with physical inventory of all fossils collected on the reservation.
17. Ensure all specimens collected from the Reservation are excavated properly, catalogued, stored and prepared for display and casted, if warranted.
18. Work with the Paleontology Coordinator regarding the paleontology field school, necessary permits, and the operating budget.
19. Prepare presentations regarding the Paleontology Department.
20. Prepare necessary teaching materials for geology and paleontology courses.
21. Teach geology and paleontology courses.
22. Present appropriate amendments and revisions of Title XXXVIII (Paleontology) to the Tribe’s Legal Department.
23. Possess ability to develop effective working relationships with appropriate individuals.
24. Must be able to provide both oral and written reports.
1. Masters Degree from an accredited institution in paleontology, geology, anthropology, biology, botany, or zoology with a major emphasis in paleontology. A Ph.D in Paleontology is preferred.
2. Must have two (2) years experience teaching paleontology and geology courses at a college level.
3. Must have three (3) or more years of documented experience excavating, collecting, analyzing, cataloging, and preparing fossils or specimens.
4. Must have experience in planning, equipping, staffing, organizing, and supervising crews performing paleontological surface collections, excavations, and preparations.
5. Must have documented grant writing experience.
6. Must possess documented experience and skills in fossil preparation, molding, casting, collection management, identification and cataloging of fossil specimens, record keeping, and documentation.
7. Possess knowledge of anatomy, taxonomy, sedimentology, and stratigraphy.
8. Must pass a trust position background clearance.
9. Must possess a valid driver’s license and liability insurance and be able to travel on and off the Reservation.
10. Must have computer skills in word processing, spreadsheets, database management, GPS, GIS and internet research.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
10 days
I realize it has been 10 days since I wrote a new post. Probably a month or more since I wrote anything significant. Sorry for the lack of post recently. I just figure it would be better to write good post, rather than some random dribble that you could read anywhere or find on the internet for yourself. Why waste your time, right? For now, feel free to keep up with those items I find online and other interesting blog post here.
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A Fossil Paradise
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Come chill in the Prep Lounge
Threadless Thursday
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Chinasaurs: Dinosaur Dynasty at the Maryland Science Center

Below is a press release about the display. Hope some of you have a chance to visit!
"This summer, the Maryland Science Center brings parents an exhibition of “pre-historic proportions.” Tens of millions of years in the making, Chinasaurs: Dinosaur Dynasty, the largest touring exhibition of authentic Chinese dinosaur fossils in the world is open daily through Monday, September 7 in the Legg Mason Gallery of the Maryland Science Center.

Chinasaurs is unlike other dinosaur exhibitions with the introduction of seven animatronic dinosaurs. The Maryland Science Center echoes with the grunts, growls and roars that scientists theorize shook the Asian continent millions of years before man could have quivered in terror.
Chinasaurs: Dinosaur Dynasty is open through Monday, September 7, 2009. The Maryland Science Center is located at 601 Light Street at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. For information and tickets, visit or call the 24-Hour Information Line at 410-685-5225."
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Time to vote!
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster
Monday, July 20, 2009
Shut up and leave us alone!

It is not their job to do so.
So how exactly is a security guard going to answer questions asked by museum visitors? How will they ring up and purchases, should someone decided they would like a Big Al t-shirt? How will they clean and maintain the exhibits? How will they train volunteers? How will they make sure the information present in exhibits is up to date? You get the idea................

The flaw in all of this is that they are still missing the point. I am sitting here at my computer and frankly saying "WTF - do they not get it!" It is not just about having the museum open. It is about caring of the collections! It is about doing good science and fulfilling the universities core missions of teaching, research, and outreach (all things the museum has done for years under the guidance of their curator!). I am sure the president of the university does not appreciate my concern and probably is thinking that nothing he does will make any of us happy. But I really do not feel like they have any interest in ever letting the museum have a curator again. They do not seem to understand the importance of having an individual in this position. They so not understand what they do and why it is important. It is simply infuriating! Basically it makes as much sense as this does:

I guess we just have to keep on them [UW Administration] and let them know why it IS important to have a curator!
New links:
Laramie Boomerang
Billings Gazette (thanks for the heads up MDR)
© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster, "Jesus and Dinosaurs" from the internet, no idea who created it (not me!). Just google "Jesus Dinosaur." Paul Blart: Mall Cop is © Columbia Pictures and I urge them to consider making the sequel about a museum security guard - oh, wait, is that idea already taken (Night at the something-er-other) because I think the scenario taking place at the University of Wyoming will be MUCH MORE funny (and disastrous!)!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Fieldwork Friday #11
Thursday, July 16, 2009
1/12th Scale Apatosaurus Model
An awesome wedding gift we got from some friends is a 1/12th scale Apatosaurus skeleton model. John has been working on putting this together for a few months now and we are happy to now have it displayed in our house. This thing is so cool - the finished skeleton is 6’ 11” long, 16” high! It was sculpted by Phil Platt and I have heard stories about the original making appearances at SVP over the years (pictures from 2001 below).

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Concretionary fun
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fieldwork Friday #10
The tracks at Poison Spider Mesa are interesting because not only are they awesome tracks but also mudcracks, ripple marks and a ton of petroglyphs! These petroglyphs are from the Fremont culture. Some are really great and weird, and many of them have been vandalized by others who feel the need to leave their mark right next to these marks or some even modifying and marking over the petroglyphs. So sad and illegal!
Pictures from the Poison Spider Mesa Track Site:
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A message from the Friends of the S. H. Knight Geological Museum
On Tuesday, June 30 at 5:00 p.m. the University of Wyoming Geological Museum closed its doors. It was a sad moment for all of us who care about the museum. The museum was closed as a result of budget cuts announced by UW President Tom Buchanan on June 4, 2009 that included the museum’s small operating budget and the salary of the long-time director Brent Breithaupt and his part-time office assistant Jennifer Durer.
The outpouring of support for the museum from both the paleontological community and the general public has been overwhelming. Through on-line and paper petitions, Facebook and MySpace groups, blogs and emails, and newspaper articles and letter writing efforts, the President and Provost of the University of Wyoming as well as the Board of Trustees and the Governor are now very aware of the importance of the museum to the people and its role in research and in the education of everyone from children to college students to seniors.
Although the UW administration has not reversed the decision to close the museum, the overwhelming support shown for the museum has allowed the Department of Geology and Geophysics to begin to work with the administration to move towards new ideas for the permanent funding of the museum. These ideas include the establishment of an endowment that would fund the museum operations, including the salary of a director/curator. Obviously setting up and funding an endowment will take time and of course money, but we are hopeful that through these efforts the museum will re-open as a stronger and even more vital part of the Wyoming community.
We want to thank everyone for their support and hard work in helping us reach this point – it could not have been done without you! We will be continuing to gather support through this citizens group, the Friends of the S. H. Knight Geological Museum. There are links to the other on-line support activities on this blog, and we will keep it updated with the latest news about our efforts.
Now is the time to keep our efforts visible – we don’t want to lose this great momentum we’ve gained. If you signed the petition, now write a letter. If you’ve written letters, write more. And keep letting people know about our situation and how important the museum has been to you!
Again, thanks so much for all your support!