Thursday, May 7, 2009

Paleontologist in Pop Culture

Many of us who are in paleontology know that we deal with an odd assortment of people. Great people. Weird people. Narcissistic people. Down right crazy people. Border-line autistic people. Socially awkward people. Fun people. Drunk people. Smart people. Brilliant people. The guy that thinks he is a rock star. (this list could go on...and the more I think of it the more I realize there are these people in almost every venue)

But what about that one person...the one always depicted in the movies and in books. The person that represents paleontologist all over the world in popular culture. Who are they? What type of person are they commonly? 

Anna from the blog Damned Scribbling Women ask:

  • "Why do archaeologists outnumber paleontologists on bookshelves and in movies? I'm trying to make a list of fictional paleontologists beyond Ross, Bringing up Baby, and Amanda Quick's Ravished (and I decline to include any of Michael Crichton's characters). I'm sure you and your readers know waaaaay more about this, so please clue us clueless writers in at Damned Scribbling Women."

What do you think folks? Feel free to leave her some comments here or over on her blog where they are having a "contestosaurus". She is going to pick a winner Sunday, May 10, so feel free to get those comments in soon!

© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster


Gombessa said...

I've been racking my brain trying to think of a paleontologist that hasn't already been mentioned, and I can't! The closest person I can think of is Stan's dad the Geologist on South Park - one of my favorite characters!

ReBecca Hunt-Foster said...

Same here Sarah. I know there have to be more, but I am at a loss. I should have checked my books before I left home for the weekend.

Jelister Aliansingh said...

Maybe it's because (at least historically speaking) us archaeologists have always been such quirky characters?

That, and the fact that us Homo sapien sapiens are extremely self-centered, and prefer to indulge in adventures that involve human lithic assembleges/cultures. ;)