Saturday, November 22, 2008

Paleo Links

I have updated the "Paleo Links" page on my website. I added the plethora of new blogs (quite a few over the past year!), some new museum links, deleted some links that were broke and fixed those that have changed. I also added a new section - Student Webpages. If you have one you would like for me to add, or know of some, please let me know! I would like to point out one imparticular today - fellow ceratopsian enthusiast John Scannella, a student at Montana State Univirsity. Check out his new webpage.


traumador said...

I know mines not the most standard of palaeo blogs (being that its aimed at skool kids) but I'd like to suggest The Tyrannosaur Chronicles


ReBecca Hunt-Foster said...

Oh no! So sorry I missed that one! Thanks :)