Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seriously?!? What next.....

Entertainment Weekly and Rissa are informing us that, if you have no other plans for your Valentines Day, you might want to stay in and watch a new 1 hour special on the Discovery Channel - Tyrannosaurus Sex. Yup. You read that correctly. Seriously, who comes up with this stuff?!?

From the press release: "The one-hour special explores the mysteries, wonders and newest evidence surrounding ritual courtship and mating habits of dinosaurs. How did a ferocious T-Rex woo his lady? How did a female Titanosaur support the weight of a male who was as long as a four-story building is high? How did a Stegosaurus couple negotiate sex with all those deadly plates and spikes?...Tyrannosaurus Sex doesn’t just answer the questions, it shows dinosaur sex in all its glory with state-of-the-art CGI animation. The scenes created for the special are all based on fact. Interviews with scientists on the cutting-edge of palaeontology bring new life to one of the last mysteries of these mighty giants."

Do we even have enough information to get this show past the whole one minute mark? I predict mucho arm waving (although possibly all in good fun, why turn down the $$!?). I guess it could just be silly fun. Let me know.....

Thanks to Rissa for the heads up (I think, lol) ;)

© ReBecca K. Hunt-Foster


Travis said...

Clearly, must see TV if you're single that night.
Who knows, maybe I can learn a thing or two to try with my next relationship?

ReBecca Hunt-Foster said...

lol. I hope not Travis, for your sake.

Pak said...

I'm scared... so scared...

Anonymous said...

In all seriousness, paleo-biologists today can look to the modern relatives of dinosaurs (like crocs and primitive birds like ostriches) to learn a lot about the sexual behaviors of dinosaurs.

Jim L. said...

It might give you better techniques than caveman sex routines. "Hit girl in head with club and drag back to cave."

ReBecca Hunt-Foster said...

Anonymous - true, but the Discovery Channel has repeatedly proven that they have a hard time staying away from sensational arm-waving. They like what looks flashy not what could be true. I worry they will take what we can infer and just run with it, run far far far with it. S no offense to the people who are going to be in it and trying to convey the facts. I am sure most will do they best they can, hopefully they will not be too heavily edited down.

Ris said...

HAHAHA! Thanks ReBecca...this is so what I want people to associate me with!!! :-p

I have to say it's like a train wreck don't wanna watch, but I'm sure we all will.

ReBecca Hunt-Foster said...

Anytime! ;)

Hopefully I am not being overly critical. I am not trying to be. These shows have just not had a good track record recently!